We are not sure about availability of this update over Samsung kies but you can update your phone easily following step by step guide below.
What’s New:
- More support for moving apps to SD card
- Copy Paste feature
- Battery life increased
- Better performance than all previous versions
- Better wi-fi and internet
This Update is very stable gingerbread version among all previous leaked versions. If you are also using beta gingerbread version and having issues then this firmware leak is the solution. So see below how we do this update J
- This update will not root your phone and also it doesn’t require rooted Samsung galaxy ace thus we have our warranty covered
- To apply this update on rooted phones you need to clear cache and wipe data which can done by booting your phone in recovery mode and then select wipe cache and wipe data (To boot in recovery press middle + power on key in switch off mode)
(I) Preparing Your phone before Upgrading
Follow this easy guide to prepare your phone before upgrading firmware , please don’t skip any step of guide otherwise it can brick your phone
(II) Download Required Files
- Download needed drivers for your pc from here and install them
- Download Odin Multi Downloader v4.38 from here
- Download Android 2.3.4 update file from here
Password : samfirmware.com
(III) Instruction on How to Update Samsung Galaxy Ace to Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread
—(a) Set Odin on PC
- Extract the S5830DDKQ5.rar file and save it on safe place , you will get a .tar file don’t extract it further leave as it is
- Install drivers on pc
- Run Odin Multi Downloader v4.38.exe [Run it as administrator , right click on it and run it as administrator , if you are using windows 7]
- Tick the check boxes ‘One Package’ , ‘Auto Reboot’ & ‘Protect OPS’ [see image below]
- Now click on OPS and select Cooper-v1.0.ops file
- After it click on One Package and select S5830DDKQ5_S5830ODDKQ5_S5830DDKQ5_HOME file
—(b) Starting update
- Boot your phone in download mode by pressing Middle Key + Volume Down Key + power on key
- Now connect your phone to pc with the help of usb cable
Note: Don’t proceed if you are unable to put your phone in Download Mode
- When you will connect your phone to pc , you will see in Odin first box from left will turn yellow, and in message box it shows ADDED. this mean your phone is connected successfully
- Now you can hit START button and it will start upgrading process
This process will take 5-10 minutes, don’t disconnect or stop this process otherwise you will have a dead Galaxy ACE
let the phone reboots itself and after it you can disconnect, congratulations you have installed latest android 2.3.4 Gingerbread firmware successfully
(IV) Clearing cache data
During flashing process , some cache data is stored on your phone, so we have to clear it -
- Switch off your phone
- Boot your phone in recovery mode by Pressing Middle key + power on key
- In recovery menu Use volume up/down keys to go through options and press middle key to select
- select Wipe Cache partition and then Wipe data/factory reset
- Now select reboot system now , and it will reboot your phone is normal mode